Josh Hudson

A Web Developer from Sunny Worthing. An avid learner, css animations lover, dedicated coffee drinker & Fullstack morning person.

About Me

I am a Web Developer on the south coast working in Brightons vibrant tech industry. I work with multiple coding languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript/JQuery, Liquid. I Build custom sites in WordPress and Shopify and have some knowledge of Laravel. I also dabble with React/NextJs and Sanity CMS and currently learning some 3D with ThreeJS.

I love to tinker with CSS animations making some abstract pieces and also really enjoy making generative art pieces which could be through JS and CSS or even using ChatGPT.

Server management and dev ops skills with setting up and securing server environments for web and domain management.

I started my development journey back in 2017 with night classes and joined up with Brighton to expand and learn new skills. I then landed my first development job in 2018 and have been coding and learning ever since. The Brighton dev community is amazing, supporting and vibrant. I have spoken about my journey on podcasts and web interviews and happy to blog when i can about what I find interesting.

If you would like to get in touch please reach out to me on the contact form.

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